Hi Everyone

I hope you are all keeping safe and well.

A reminder that next Saturday (September 7th) is a guest day – usual T&Cs apply, see the website for more info.

Some of you may remember that last year we participated in a corporate day that was run by the Shooting Ground. Our contribution was very well received and we have been asked to participate again this year. The date is Friday September 20th. We will be running five one-hour slots for groups of five people. They will use the club guns for a couple of informal comps, plus I’ll have my Sharps and Ray his percussion pistol to add a bit of extra interest.

We will need some volunteer helpers though. A couple of people who could organise and oversee the comps, plus anyone who may want to bring any guns of their own at any stage through the day, would be most welcome. The day starts at 10.00 and finished at 4.00 I believe, although this has yet to be confirmed. If anyone is able to help in any way, please let me know ASAP as I will need to do some organising of resources before the event. Based on our experience last year, the ideal response would be at least two further people who could stay all day, plus several others who could provide extra support spread across the morning and afternoon sessions.

Finally, the club has come into possession of 350 rounds of .22magnum ammo. This is available at £8.00 per box of 50, please let me know if you’d like any.

Best regards

Peter F

Update 01.09.24