Hello Everyone

I hope you’re all keeping safe and well.

Can I begin by thanking the members who have volunteered to help out at the corporate day next Friday (20th September). We now have sufficient personnel to cover the day, although any late volunteers are still welcome. I expect the event to raise about £400 for the club, incidentally.

Thanks also to everyone who participated in last Saturday’s guest day. It was one of our busiest ever and the atmosphere was great. We have already picked up two new members as a result. It is always gratifying to see how welcoming our members are to guests, and how they all invariably leave smiling. It’s one of the great strengths of our club.

Finally, some news about more competitions. The 100m comp is now well established and increasing in popularity. However, being generally only shot on Fridays and requiring fairly specialised kit, it’s not easily accessible to a lot of our members. We are therefore introducing two new comps that can be shot from 25m. These have been designed to be low pressure and open to everyone, whatever their level of experience. I have attached an information sheet about them, and the cards will be available from this weekend. Please have a go!

Best regards

Peter F

Autumn 25m Competitions.docx
