All new members of KTSC are classed as probationary members and are issued with a card to that effect that is a different colour to that of the full membership card. 

Non-FAC holders will complete the attendance and training sheet and when it is complete they are classed as full members and will receive a new card. Please note this is not dependant on them obtaining their FAC. However, when their FAC is obtained they are required to inform the secretary so the club database can be updated. It is expected that the attendances will be completed within a six month period.

New members who already hold an FAC will also be required to complete an attendance sheet, although this is a bit different in format to the non-FAC one. It is expected that the ten required attendance for full membership to be granted will take place within a maximum period of 12 months. As soon as the sheet is completed it is signed off by the senior RO and passed by the member to the secretary, who will issue a full membership card. It is important to note that if the required attendances do not take place within the 12 month period then the provisional membership may be revoked.

Peter Fearon, Secretary KTSC


Note: This information can also be downloaded as a Word document here