Hi Everyone

I hope you’re all keeping safe and well, particularly if you are one of the many members who are on holiday in nice places at the moment.

A couple of points this time.

Firstly, a reminder of our corporate session next Saturday morning (August 17). The session starts at 11.00, so our usual Saturday shooters can have a one-hour shoot first. My thanks to the goodly number of people who have volunteered to help with supervision and by bringing interesting items. Hopefully, a good time will be had by all.

Secondly, we have a couple of Sunday morning sessions that need covering whilst Jimmy is away. These are Sunday 18th and Sunday 25th. I can cover the 18th at a push, but can’t do the 25th. If anyone of our regular ROs can cover either session, please let me know ASAP. If we can’t get anyone to cover, the range will have close for that session, which would be unfortunate.

Best regards for now

Peter F

Update 10.08.24